
Proposed Resolution to Support Assembly Bill 805 (County of San Diego: transportation agencies)

June 6, 2017

The purpose of this memo is to respectfully request docketing the consideration of a resolution in support of Assembly Bill 805 County of San Diego: transportation agencies at a scheduled meeting of the City Council within 30 days per Section 2.9.2 of the Rules of Council.

AB 805 was introduced by California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher on February 15, 2017 and passed by the California State Assembly on May 31, 2017. The bill is currently being routed to the State Senate for a vote.  

AB 805 is proposed in order to reform the voting structure of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to provide more proportional representation to its member agencies. The action would bolster the accountability and transparency of SANDAG by creating an independent audit committee with specific responsibilities, including the appointment of an independent performance auditor. This bill would also require that the Chair and Vice Chair of SANDAG be the Mayors of the largest and the second-largest cities in the San Diego region and would alternate between the two serving as Chair and Vice Chair for a four year term. Additionally, this bill would authorize the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and North County Transit District (NCTD) to place a measure before the voters to increase revenue within their respective portions of the County of San Diego. Revenues would then be used for public transit purposes. This would include the public transit responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the board as well as any bikeway, bicycle path, sidewalk, trail, pedestrian access, or pedestrian access way, as specified, serving their jurisdictions, and to issue bonds backed by tax revenues, subject to similar requirements.

The City of San Diego comprises a significant portion of SANDAG and MTS’s jurisdiction. AB 805 would give the City of San Diego proportional representation on both agencies. The City of San Diego would be represented by the Mayor and Council President at SANDAG Board of Directors and by three Councilmembers and the Mayor at MTS Board of Directors.

Furthermore, the attached resolution reflects our 2017 State and Federal legislative platform under the following sections:

- Focus 2.1: Transportation Infrastructure; State #3.
Support legislation, administrative action, and opportunities to increase and maximize funding and flexibility to improve mass transit and alternative transportation, including local and regional bicycle and pedestrian mobility and accessibility projects, safety, such as Safe Routes to School, and infrastructure improvements.
- Focus 2.1: Transportation Infrastructure; State #4.
Support efforts to increase funding and remove legislative and regulatory barriers for infrastructure improvements that improve connections to and facilities around public transit, buses, streetcars, and trolley lines.
- Focus 2.4: Environment and Energy; State #1.
Support legislation and funding that would help the City meet the goals of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) including greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction.
- 4. Open Government & City Funding; State #6.
Support greater transparency in all levels of government institutions, including maximizing the use of electronic media where possible.

Due to the State Senate’s legislative calendar, it is anticipated that AB 805 will be out of the State Senate’s committees by July 14, 2017. AB 805 should be in Senate Appropriations by early August 2017. In order to allow our State Legislative lobbyist enough time to advocate and testify before legislative committees it is important that the City Council consider this resolution as soon as possible.

In closing, we believe that there is a significant benefit to the City of San Diego by having this bill become law and for taking a support position.

David Alvarez with District 80 residents


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