What: Councilmember David Alvarez and Councilmember Marti Emerald will join Donna Frye, President of Californians Aware, tomorrow as they propose solutions to the recent failures in open government policy experienced by the City.
Who: Councilmember David Alvarez, Councilmember Marti Emerald, Donna Frye, President, Californians Aware
When/Where: Tuesday, March 18 at 1:30PM at City Concourse
Why: Councilmember Alvarez and Californians Aware previously proposed amendments to our City Charter that would have made San Diego a leader in open government. In light of recent failures by the City on matters of open government and in recognition of Sunshine Week 2014
(occurring now between March 16 through March 22), Councilmember’s Alvarez, Emerald and Californians Aware will propose much needed reforms to open government in the City of San Diego.
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